List of Common Tags

Using email tags reduces the time and effort required to send emails. You can incorporate automated content in the email body, and email tags allow you to add important information automatically, saving you time.

We do not have "View this email in a browser" functionality, so please remove that from your templates.

Mobile Locker Tags

(Internal) = Your Organization.

{% if recipient.greeting %}Hi {{ recipient.greeting }},{% else %}Hello,{% endif %} Greeting (Recipient)
{% if presentation_name %}{{ share_link }}{% else %}[INSERT LINKS HERE]{% endif %}{{ }} Insert Link(s)
{{ custom_message }} Let a user write a custom message in a campaign email.
{{ shared_links }} Let a user insert links in a campaign email.

{{ address_book }}

Include Sender's Email Address
{{ }} Email Address (Recipient)
{{ recipient.encrypted_email }} Encrypted Email Address (Recipient)
{{ }} Greeting (Full Name)
{{ recipient.first_name }} Greeting (First Name)
{{ recipient.last_name }} Greeting (Last Name)
{{ recipient.salutation }} Recipient Salutation (Mr, Mrs, Dr)
{{ recipient.npi }} National Prescriber ID
{{ jwt }} An identifier that uniquely identifies the sender, recipient, and template.
{{ presentation_name }} Name of Presentation
{{ presentation_asset_id }} Asset ID of Presentation
{{ share_url }} URL Tracker (Works only in Quick Share)
{{ team_name }} Team Name (Internal)

{{ team_unsubscribe_url }}

Unsubscribe URL (Internal)

{{ template_asset_id }}

Asset ID (Email Template).

{{ user_name }}

User Name (Internal)
{{ user_first_name }} User First Name (Internal)
{{ user_last_name }} User Last Name (Internal)
{{ user_email }} User Email (Internal)
{{ user_encrypted_email }} User Encrypted Email (Internal)
{{ user_phone }} User Phone (Internal)
{{ user_phone_extension }} User Phone Extension (Internal)
{{ user_region }} User Region (Internal)
{{ user_district }} User District (Internal)
{{ user_territory }} User Territory (Internal)
{{ user_photo_url }} User Photo (Internal)
{{ user_title }} User Title (Internal)
{{ user_signature }} User Signature (Internal)
{{ user_time_of_day }} User Time of Day (Internal)
{{ user_id }} User ID (Internal)
{{ user_salesforce_id }} User Salesforce ID

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