Getting Started with GDPR

Mobile Locker advocates and promotes GDPR. Our team cares deeply about user rights and privacy. Since the regulation was implemented, Mobile Locker has been working hard to build features that give our customers more control over the data stored on our platform. By designing these features, we have enabled our customers to do the same.

This guide is not considered legal advice. Please consult a legal professional for details on how GDPR impacts your organization. We recommend carefully reviewing this article and distributing it to your regulatory team.

What is GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation, formed in 2018, is a law passed by the European Union that imposes regulations on data collection for EU citizens. With this law, the EU has created a new standard protecting personal data and security.

The regulation provides clear rules of engagement regarding the collection of consumer data. This means that Europe's stance on protecting personal data and privacy can have harsh consequences if violated. Heavy fines can be administered if an organization is responsible for violating GDPR.

Sales and marketing teams must understand GDPR to conduct business ethically and lawfully.

Is Mobile Locker a Controller or Processor

Data processing activities fall under the scope of GDPR. It's essential to understand the difference between a controller and a processor under the compliance obligations under GDPR. The controller is the organization that determines the purposes and means of processing. As a Mobile Locker customer, you are a controller when using our products and services. Because of this, your responsibility is to ensure that the personal data being collected is being processed lawfully by processors like Mobile Locker when referring to GDPR.

Mobile Locker is a processor. We act on behalf of the controller (you), which is present in the form of API or SMTP requests. Like controllers, processors are required to comply with GDPR.

As a processor, we rely on our customers to ensure that personal data is collected based on one of the GDPR lawful grounds for processing. As a controller, you can collect personal data on one of the following legal basis: (i) consent; (ii) processing is needed for the performance of a contract you have with the data subject; (iii) processing is needed for compliance and legal obligation; (iv) you are required to protect the vital interest of all data subject or of another person; (vi) you (or third parties) have the interest to process personal data and the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subject do not override this.

What Personal Data Do We Collect and How is it Used

Mobile Locker is transparent on how we handle and process personal data. As a customer of Mobile Locker, you need to be aware of how we handle personal data on your behalf.

We only keep data as long as necessary to provide our services. Whenever possible, we incorporate processes that allow Mobile Locker to automatically remove personal data when it is no longer required.

The Mobile Locker Team is Engaged in Complying with GDPR

Because Mobile Locker is a processor, we are required to fulfill obligations under GDPR. In this section, we will discuss how we handle personal data and the efforts we take to ensure its safety.

To comply with GDPR, we have conducted a detailed analysis of the applications that may process personal data for individuals in the EU. Based on that analysis, we have implemented measures that allow us to comply with GDPR requirements.

Mobile Locker's security analysts and compliance specialists are crucial in assessing personal data and ensuring we always meet privacy standards. Our team has taken several proactive steps to ensure compliance with the GDPR.

We have implemented policies and procedures that allow us to detect personal data breaches. Based on these procedures, we alert and notify our customers without delay to ensure they meet the GDPR breach notifications. Our procedures also deal with requests we receive from data subjects and inform them of such requests.

Our team reviews and updates the security and control policies we have in place continuously through our compliance officer. In addition, we provide ongoing training for data protection to our employees and staff. We maintain records of data processing activities and adhere to GDPR compliance. For more information on our privacy policies, visit For instructions on how to access your information or for assistance with these rights, please write to us at

Mobile Locker Sub-Processors

Third parties handling and accessing personal data are considered "sub-processors." They have the right and ability to restrict personal data processing. Mobile Locker uses various sub-processors to make our platform function optimally. As GDPR requires, we have appropriate measures to secure the personal data we process on your behalf. If you are interested in learning more about our sub-processors, we can provide you with a list of sub-processors we use.

Handling Data Subject Rights

Part of GDPR states that subjects can access their data and decide if they would like to remove or export the data. They can also restrict the processing of personal data. Our platform has several self-service features you can leverage to review your data. These features support rights related to data portability, access, and the forgotten right to be forgotten. As a processor, when we receive a request from a data subject, we respond within seven days to the data subject's request or otherwise required by law.

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