Getting Started with Email Templates

Sending emails with the Mobile Locker Platform makes communicating with prospects and clients more accessible.

Customize Emails with Unlayer and TinyMCE

Mobile locker provides email customization throughout the entire lifecycle of an email campaign. Whether sending individual emails or running a bulk campaign, you can customize the look and feel of emails with editors included in the platform.

Learn more about email editors.

Email Best Practices

Marketers have a heavy focus on crafting emails that are relevant, well-branded, and professional. Having high click-through rates is a key performance indicator of effective outreach. But marketers must consider that engaging subscribers through email takes much more effort.

Because of the current state of internet security, more often than not, an email can be blocked before it hits an inbox. Spam and phishing filters often block emails upon arrival. Understanding best practices for email exchange can make marketing more effective.

10 Best Practices for Better Conversion Rates.

  1. Take email bounces seriously - It's best not to send emails if they have bounced repeatedly. Bounces are the product of invalid emails, and many ISPs measure companies on bounce rates. This can affect your reputation and may result in a ban.
  2. Avoid CAPITALIZING and exclamations!! - Recipients usually discount capitalizing words or phrases. In most cases, relevancy through a compelling message will draw attention better.
  3. Always spell check - Emails with constantly misspelled words have a much less chance of reaching an actual human. Make sure you are using correct spelling and grammar.
  4. Avoid JavaScript, Flash, and video - Email clients do not allow rich media. To get past spam filters, it's best to use embedded buttons that route to a website.
  5. Stop using forms - Much like rich media, email filters often block forms. It's best to embed a button or a landing page in the body of the email.
  6. Avoid attachments - Attaching a file to an email is another way to get blocked. Instead, upload the attachment to a site and include a button in the email body.
  7. Watch trigger words - If you sound like an infomercial, you're doing something wrong. Words like Guarantee or Bargain should be avoided at all costs. Instead, stay genuine with your messaging.
  8. Avoid images - It's best to avoid using images within your email. If you need to send a photo, keep it as small as possible or incorporate a button with a link to the picture.
  9. Use familiar names - Ensure your recipient recognizes you. People trust people they know. They are more likely to respond if you identify yourself and your company.
  10. Test before you send - Give it a test run before sending an email. Mobile Locker lets you review and test before sending so you can double-check your work.
  11. Bonus round - Include a clear unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Always offer the recipient a way to opt out. And if they opt out, honor that request by unsubscribing them.

When to Include Unsubscribe Links

Adding an unsubscribe link to an email should only be reserved for unsolicited emails. The best way to maintain a good marketing reputation is to give recipients the option to unsubscribe and honor the request. Cold outreach emails should always include an unsubscribe link.

For reactive emails, an unsubscribe link can be avoided. If you have a previous relationship with a client and they have allowed you to communicate, you don't need an unsubscribe link.

How to Enhance the Subject Line

The subject line is usually the first thing a person sees when receiving an email. It can be one of the most effective ways to gain attention. It is the subject line that draws attention first.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Keep it short - The most effective subject lines contain no more than 5 words or 40 characters.
  • Tickle their fancy - People recognize and care about their interests. Adding a name, job, or interest to a subject line can help catch their eye.
  • Use email preheaders - A preheader proceeds with a subject line. It should stay within 5 words. If you decline to include a preheader, most email clients with the first line of text in your email. Sometimes a short subject line and a longer preheader are excellent strategies.
  • Ask a question - Sometimes, asking a question is a way to pique interest. Curiosity is one of the most powerful human emotions.
  • Create a sense of urgency - Humans hate missing out on important events. Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a real thing. If you are selling a product or a service that people are interested in, try adding a timeline to it for better results.

Getting Past Google Gmail Tabs

Google has three inbox tabs for emails.

  • Primary
  • Promotions
  • Social

Gmail Tabs

Why is my email ending up in promotions?

Unknown emails will likely fall into the Promotions tab. Due to Google's algorithms, these tabs are used to decrease spam. The algorithms constantly change by considering variable data like sender and recipient information.

What can I do about it?

If you are concerned about being ignored, ask them to add you to their address book. If your prospect adds your email address to an address book, this automatically puts you into the Primary tab. You can also add subscribers to your address book as well.

You can also personalize an email. Adding a person's name to the email's subject or body shows you are serious about the relationship. Including a first, last, or company name can increase your chances of becoming a primary.

Tips & Tricks: People engage with people. The more you can personalize an email, the more likely people will respond.

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